About Orphan’s Tree

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Introductory Video: Why Orphan’s Tree?





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The Purpose of Orphan’s Tree:

To Bring Practical Help and God’s Hope to Russian Orphans

After They Leave Their Orphanage

What do you call an orphan who has grown up, who is now over 18 years old and they have left their orphanage (the only “home” they have known) to live on their own? We call them Orphanage Graduates, or “Grads” for short.

   We presently have ministry centers in four cities (Vladimir, Kostroma, Ivanovo, and Kirov) staffed by over 35 Russians believers. They are taught how to handle money, how to get and hold a job, how to cook and practice basic self-care. And they learn to trust… to trust us and to trust their Savior.

   The present situation in Russia has kept we Americans from traveling there as we have in the past. But our Russian staff continues to minister faithfully and will keep the ministry going until we, by God’s grace, are able to return to minister beside them.

   These grads have had no exposure to family or faith, and they don’t do well when they are forced to transition from institutional living in an orphanage to independent living in the “real world.” One day everything is provided for them and done for them, and the next day they are totally on their own. As a result, they have a disturbingly high incidence of suicide, drug use, broken relationships, and prison incarceration.


   So where do they go? They come to one of our Ministry Centers whose doors are always open to them. There they find committed Russian Christians and American volunteers to share practical life skills and the Good News of their Heavenly Father who loves them and wants to be involved in their lives.